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First off, it is not a tutoring service. While we may have a fancy website, there are just a small handful of grad students and community members who have volunteered to be tutors, most of whom already have full-time jobs. This is merely a way to facilitate contact between Madison neighbors, helping parents/students in need get in contact with other residents who might be able to help.
Since this is essentially a networking tool, tutors are not vetted in any way. Parents should see our "Health & Safety Warnings" page before signing up their child for tutoring.

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What is MMSD Volunteer Tutor Connection?
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When should I sign up for tutoring?
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Can I have my child meet with a tutor in person?
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Can I work with the same tutor again?
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How much does it cost?
Can I be a volunteer tutor?
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Right now, we are not making the volunteer sign-up widely available to make it less likely that scammers will get a hold of it (though that is still a risk with our limited advertisement). If demand exceeds our available volunteers, we may add the volunteer form to this site.

Free! This service is meant to help underprivileged students who cannot otherwise afford tutoring. If you can afford it, you are welcome to offer money to your tutor, or use our "Contact Us" form and we can help get you in touch with paid tutors. We do encourage volunteer tutors to be cautious about accepting payment even if it is offered, since tutoring scams are very common.

We ask that everyone do their part to slow the spread of COVID-19 in our community. For the health and safety of everyone involved, please do not ask to meet with tutors in person. Volunteers will do their best to help your child using online resources.

This is NOT meant to be a regular weekly tutoring service. There are not enough tutors to give students regular help, and so we ask that parents sign up for tutoring on an as-needed basis.

If parents can answer "yes" to the following questions, it is a good time to sign up for tutoring:
1) Is there a specific problem or concept your child needs help with?
2) Do you not have the time or expertise to help your child?

When parents sign up for tutoring, any volunteer tutor may choose to take the request. If you wish to have your child work with the same tutor again next time they need help, make sure to ask your tutor about it before the end of the session and they may ask you to contact them directly in the future, rather than using the sign-up form. We cannot guarantee that any tutor will be available for repeat sessions.

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